Useful Answers.

We understand there are a lot of questions when it comes to Affirmative Action Plans, here are some of the most common question we hear.

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Frequently Asked

What is an Affirmative Action Plan?
What is the purpose of an Affirmative Action Plan?
How do I know if our organization needs an Affirmative Action Plan?
Do non-federal contractors need an Affirmative Action Plan?
How often does an Affirmative Action Plan need to be updated?
Must we meet our Affirmative Action Plan goals?
Does Affirmative Action mean we are applying different standards toward non-minorities?
Who benefits from an Affirmative Action Plan?
What is Equal Employment Opportunity and how does this differ from Affirmative Action?
Are Affirmative Action goals another way of setting quotas?
Do I need to panic if I get a call from a compliance agency (OFCCP, State of Minnesota, etc.)?
Can't find your answer? Get in touch with us!